The Campus was the Former St Casimir's Catholic Church. After the Church was closed by the Diocese it was purchased by the Foundation and converted into the Spiritual Center.
On July 8th, 2022 the Center was formally declared a Diocesan Shrine at Mass celebrated by the Most Reverend Ronald Gainer, Bishop of Harrisburg.
The Center currently has over 50 First Class Holy Relics on display for veneration.
1. To restore and/or renovate the former Saint Casimir's Church, Kulpmont, Pa. to the Saint Pauline Center, so it can be utilized for prayer; veneration of St. Pauline's Relic; display of artifacts and articles of history and heritage; and provide community services such as health education & screenings.
2. Engage in a religious endeavor to unite the community and bring others of every faith to visit and share Saint Pauline's blessing.
3. Help support the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Religious Community of Sisters founded by Saint Mother Pauline.
4. Educate the poor and needy children in our community.
5. Create fund raising events to preserve and increase awareness of Saint Pauline's compassion for the suffering, and the courage to bring about a more human, just and brotherly world.
Amabile Visintainer, called by God to be the founder of the congregation of the sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Brazil was born in Trent (Vigolo Vattaro) Italy on the 16th day of December 1865. She was the daughter of Napoleon Visintainer and Anna Piaezer.
When she was ten years of age she emigrated with her family to Brazil, South America and the family became established in the state of Santa Catarina. The Visintainer family along with many of their Italian countrymen and women established a new life in New Trent, Vigolo, Brazil.
Amabile grew up as a true, loving daughter of her family. She was known even at a youthful age for her piety and charity. From an early age she spoke of giving her life to God. She had very little intellectual education, but a great love for the Holy Catholic Faith and for the suffering and poor. She had a few of her companions nurse the sick and abandoned.
On July 12, 1890 Amabile and her companions decided with the advise of a missionary, Father Louse Rossi, to band together and live as a spiritual community. In fact it was Father Rossi who became the first spiritual director of the little group of girls who wanted to devote their lives to God by helping the infirm, teaching religion to the children, and feeding the poor. A small house was purchased by the Community of New Trent and the young girls began a schedule of spiritual living.
Father Rossi, a Jesuit priest, encouraged the young women to live in Christ and with the help of this holy priest they began to grow. Amabile, moved by the grace of God, dedicated her little band of women to the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady.
In 1895 Father Rossi and Amabile, seeing the need for a more formal and secure grouping of the young women coming to them, decided to establish with the permission of the Church, a congregation with Amabile as the Superior. Bishop Jose de Camargo Barros, the bishop of Curitiba, sensing God's divine plan, approved the plan and forwarded the request to Rome.
On the 7th day of December 1865, Amabile and companions, Virgina Nicolidi and Theresa Maoli, pronounced their religious vows. Amabile chose the name Sister Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, Virgina, Sister Matilde of the Immaculate Conception and Theresa, Sister Inez of St. Joseph.
In 1903 the growing community transferred the Mother-house to San Paulo, Ipiranga, where Mother Pauline was able to direct the establishment of five provinces in Brazil.
In 1909 a new Superior General was elected, Mother Vincent Bottamedi, one of the sisters from New Trent who began in the early years with Mother Pauline.
Mother Pauline traveled to each of her houses and knew each sister personally. She was greatly loved and honored as Mother Founder. She worked unceasingly and constantly proclaimed to her sisters fidelity to the vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience.
Persevering in her holy call and resigning to God the remainder of her life, she lived in contemplation and prayer until her 77th year when on July 9, 1942, God her Lord, her King, her Love, called her home to His Kingdom.
Shortly after her death, many began to actively seek her intercession in prayer. Many favors and prayers have been fulfilled.
Especially do we seek vocations to the sisterhood and the healing of the sick for whom Mother Pauline had so great a love.
Three relics were made on her beatification. One was given to Pope John Paul II, one is in the convent where Mother Pauline lived, and one was given to Albert Visintainer and his family of Mount Carmel, PA, USA. It is a bone of one of her fingers.
The Most Reverend Ronald Gainer, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg presenting Bob Greco with the document declaring Saint Pauline Spiritual center a Diocesan Shrine July 8th 2022
Open Weekends for Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Veneration of Holy Relics
100 % of all donations will go to the saint Pauline Visintainer Foundation.
This year all proceeds will go towards the upkeep and renovation of the Saint Pauline Grotto and the Chapel of the Crucified.
The Shrine is Open Most Weekends
Monthly Mass
Shrine Designation
We love our Patrons, so feel free to visit!
1150 Chestnut Street, Kulpmont, Pennsylvania 17834, United States
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